Friday, July 11, 2008

went to Sinlim cottage

I went to a cottage with my friends about two weeks ago. It was very fun even though it was raining. In this summer, we also went to the bank of a stream. Not all of our member of Bangs could go to the cottage this time, so I want to make this trip again. However, I am not sure I can make it or not. Anyway, we could not use ‘charcoal’ for B.B.Q because it was raining, so we bought a pan for Sam gyup sal. Although we could not use charcoal, it was very tasty. I don’t know why when we eat pork outdoor, the taste is always much better then eat indoor.
한 2주전에 별장에 친구들이랑 갔다왔다. 비가 오긴했지만 재밌었다. 이번 여름에도 역시 시냇가에가서 놀았다. 모든 방쓰의 맴버가 가진 못했서 다시 한번 더 가고 싶지만 갈수 있을지 없을지는 잘모르겠다..ㅋ 어쨌든 비가와서 숯불을 이용못해서 삽겹살을 먹기위한 불판을 하나 샀다. 비록 숯불은 아니였지만 맛은 정말 좋았다. 왜그런진 모르지만 밖에서 먹는 고기는 언제나 안에서 먹는것보다 맛있는거 같다.

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