Saturday, November 5, 2016

Business trip to Indonesia (5th Story)

Yes....this is Ambon style....

When we arrived at the site, FFM antenna wasn't installed even there were no construvtor in the site.

He does not answer the phone until 3 PM.

How should I take this? Should I get angry to him? He would answer me that this is Ambon...

Anyway, we gave up to wait until the antenna is installed, and decided to move to Jakarta for seperating item by site.

Here are pictures of Food that I had in Ambon.

[Coconut juice]

[Grilled Fish in Downtown]

[Grilled shrimp and fried squid]

[Marinated beef]

[Crap and Pizza in Swiss bell hotel]

[nasi padang with Chicken]


[Nasi Padang Restaurant in Ambon]

[Marinated chicken]

[Nasi goreng Special]

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